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About us

Indian Society of Chronomedicine

“Let Body dance healthy and happy with the Rhythm of Universe”

Indian Society for Chronomedicine aims to promote chronobiology and chronomedicine. Its scientific goal is to study circadian/seasonal organizations and mechanisms in a vertical approach that integrates molecular, cellular, system-physiological, behavioral, and medical aspects. Today it has several members ranging from active researchers to students from all over the country. Its members share a common interest in understanding biological rhythms ranging from the ultradian, circadian (daily) to circannual (seasonal, annual) phenomena

Our Story


Indian Society of Chronomedicine (ISCM) was formed inthe  2012 under Society registration Act of  India     with the objective to encourage a field which was unexplored and almost unknown to Indian medical organizations and clinical researchers , But was very crucial for health as well as treatment of majority of diseases that was “Chronomedicine” -  i.e Science of studying body rhythms , their Physiology, Mechanisms, Anatomy , Physiopathology , Diseases and other pathological condition due to their disruption, Ways to resymchronize, Treatments using circadian rhythms etc. So chronomedicine is a vast and scientifically versatile field of medicine which initially introduced to world by Prof  Franz Halberg (1919–2013) developed chronobiology and founded the field of chronomedicine including chronomics, chronoastrobiology, and chronobioethics. He coined the term circadian, after documenting that biologic rhythms tip the scale between health and disease and even between life and death. His work is summarized in his over 3600 scientific publications, in cooperation with colleagues from around the world. Progress of the chronomedicine exactly depends on his history of research.

In India Prof Narsingh Verma took keen interest in chronobiology and his incredible knowledge of Chrono-physiology and circadian rhythms in human, intrest, Progressive  and visionary approach to help patients by correcting their daily rhythms became the reason of  birth of this Society in 2012 with the aim to edjucate medical fraternity initially about the biological rhythms ,its application in medical field ,Secondly to promote Chromedicne research, Set up Chronomedicine awareness programmes for clinicians, Researchers, Medical students and common public through conference, symposia and seminars, ISC also aims towards providing guidelines related to chronomedicine treatments for medical organizations of country.

When Prof Narsingh Verma started this visionary approach of treatment in india ,initially it was very difficult because of  the unawareness of chronomedicne  in medical fraternity ,but his hard work , and noble interest ultimately was supported and understood by Prof  R.K SingH,  Prof R.B Singh and OM kumari Gupta   AND Prof Anuj Maheshwari

And  society was formed to perform and initiate work of dedicated objectives.

From then till now , Society has more than 250 national and International life members. ISC lab which is dedicated in chronomedicne research, and producing chronomedicne related treatment guidelines .

ISCM has organized several conferences  after its foundation at several places in india  which were extremely successful .Along with various  conferences ISCM performs various activities like symposia RHYTHM every year to address novel research area of chronomedicine of that particular year.

To encourage young Scientists and researchers and to feliciatate and acknowledge contributions of Senior members ,ISC has introduced large number of Fellowships , and awards. Every Year for medico as well as  basic researchers

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